Become a Strukton Rail supplier

We select the best performing suppliers and wish them to become our partner rather than just a supplier. We therefore continuously evaluate the market and assess potential new suppliers in terms of quality, delivery reliability, safety, sustainability, price and service.

Read our conditions

The Strukton Code of Conduct Honest Business Practice applies to everyone working for or with Strukton. As an internationally operating and socially responsible company, we adhere to transparency and honest business practice.
Please read our policy and reference documents here.

The selection procedure

Once you have agreed with our policy you can register as a potential supplier. What follows:

  • When you have completed your own information and your company information, you will be assessed as a potential supplier.
  • ATTENTION: It is important that an authorized person from your organization logs in first. This person can later authorize a colleague for additional actions.
  • When we wish to do business with you, you will receive an e-mail invitation for our supplier portal.